Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sweet Anticipation - 30 Days of Surprise Me God and Acts

A big thanks to Jon at He posted about a new book called "Surprise Me - A 30 Day Faith Experiment". It's an experiment where you wake up and pray "Surprise Me God" for 30 days. SCARED, NERVOUS, EXCITED! Jon had earlier invited his readers to join him in a study of the book of Acts during the month of February. I don't know what is going to happen as a result of either one of these things. But, from what I know of God - He is going to show up. I can't wait!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Today I was talking to someone about signs that God gives. Different kinds of signs. Signs that bring us comfort and peace. We were talking about those things that some like to call coincidence. She was talking about one sign God had given her - something so small to some, yet so large to her. She said, "It just shows you how far I will reach." And it came to me, and I replied, "No, that's how far God will go." I am so thankful for a God who takes delight in blessing us in big and small ways. He never fails, yet I continue to do so over and over again. He gives and it doesn't depend on my performance and that is grace greater than imaginable.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Back At Ya CODY

Sometime ago Cody sent me this email with a quiz about how observant you are. He had said that he had scored a 17. I, being the cocky smart alec that I am, was positive that I would easily beat that score. Friends, I scored a 12. A sad, pathetic 12. However, today I got an email to try the MENSA Intelligence Test over at The site states that according to MENSA, if you get 19 + of these, you are a "genius". It took me a bit, and I almost burnt a batch of cookies, but I scored a 22. Cody - if you read this, and you beat me, please don't tell me. I think you're quite smart, but I just want to be smarter.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Let's All Join In

Julie of Julie's Jolly Blog issued a challenge a few weeks ago for all of us to join in reading 50 books this year. I have decided to begin with a book given to me by one of my Sunday School students. Thank you Marylee Snyder for "Sister Freaks". You're one of my favorite "sister freaks." Thanks Jules for the challenge.

Show me the books he loves and I shall know the man far better than through mortal friends.
Dawn Adams

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Because I Know You All Care

I know this will be so interesting to the masses, but I have been tagged by Nathan so read on.

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: I answer the phones and assist with enteries at the New Wayne County Agricultural Fair, I was Nathan's 3rd Grade Teacher, I am currently a 2nd grade teacher, and I was a Video Leasing Engineer at Star Video for 9 years!
Four movies you could watch over and over: You've Got Mail, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Sweet Home Alabama, Hope Floats
Four places you’ve lived: Our old house in town, the house I live in now, a lovely pea green house in Terre Haute during college, and 410 Taylor Hall at good old EIU!
Four TV shows you love to watch: LOST, ALIAS, General Hospital and Everyday Food
Four places you’ve been on vacation: Panama City, Memphis, Nashville, and Holiday World
Four websites you visit daily:,,, and
Four of your favorite foods: Have I mentioned I am Italian? Jack Daniels Chicken from TGI Friday's, French Onion Soup from TGI Friday's, and my grandma's scalloped potatoes.
Four places you’d rather be: I really kind of like it here if you want to know the truth - but since you made me choose I am going with:
1.) I hear Heaven is better than here
2.) My acceptance party for the Publisher's Clearinghouse
3.) At any Archiver's scrapbook store with my money from Publisher's Clearinghouse
4.) England - I have always wanted to go there.
Four albums you can’t live without: Michael Jackson's Thriller (LOL Got ya there - just kidding - although there was a time....)
1.) The Soundtrack from Dying Young (it's great to sleep and paint to)
2.) Winds of Heaven Stuff of Earth Rich Mullins
3.) Keith Green The Collection (Please don't make me choose between the silver or gold CDs.)
4.) Journey Greatest Hits (I am a child of the 80s)
Four magazines you read: TV Guide, CCM, Creating Keepsakes, Instructor
Four cars you’ve owned: 1979 Monte Carlo, 1986 Bronco II, 1994 Grande Am, and my current Gas Guzzlin V-8 1996 Limited Jeep Grande Cherokee
Four people I'm tagging: I am way too old to play tag.