Monday, August 08, 2005

Return to Earth

Here's a fun fact kids.
27% of Americans believe we never landed on the moon.
Interesting eh?
Anyway, here's hoping my former commrads land safely in the morning. I doubt I am awake yet to see it since it will be around 4am. I pray I awake to good news! Fly like an eagle.


Herschel said...

cheryl you have had too many updates today for me to keep up..slow down or you are going to burn yourself out and your readers

Cheryl said...

Three is too many? Thanks for the advice buddy - I didn't know there were blog rules. Please forgive me for my ignorance.

Jules said...

don't listen to hersch....he's a little wierd. I think three in one day is awesome!!! oh, yeah, don't forget the book party tonight!!

NFB in NYC said... know where I stand on the moon landings..

Anonymous said...

i didn't know you were blogging! yeah! welcome! :)

Cheryl said...

glad you found the camera Val