Friday, August 12, 2005

Velvet Elvis

Is anyone else reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell? He's the Nooma video guy - pastor at Mars Hill. It's incredible so far. Tonight I was reading and I thought to myself about one of the paragraphs "Wow, there is such freedom in that." Well, I went on to read the next paragraph and it was all about how there is such freedom in what it was talking about. It's good stuff so far - making me think a little outside of my comfort zone. It's quite real - you should read it.


Dave Sandell said...

lovin' Velvet Elvis... I've read through it three times in the last month or so.

Thanks for checking out my site!

Herschel said...

do you need any janitors at your school

Cheryl said...

Um no, but did you see the ad in the paper for some sort of computer tutor in the mornings at school -- also substituting can be profitable! I will keep the lookout for other prospects.

Jules said...

I think it's time for another post!

Cheryl said...

sorry jules - incredibly busy week - hardly had time to sleep

Matt W said...

I'm reading it!