Julie of Julie's Jolly Blog issued a challenge a few weeks ago for all of us to join in reading 50 books this year. I have decided to begin with a book given to me by one of my Sunday School students. Thank you Marylee Snyder for "Sister Freaks". You're one of my favorite "sister freaks." Thanks Jules for the challenge.
Show me the books he loves and I shall know the man far better than through mortal friends.
Dawn Adams
another fellow book challenger!! boo-yeah!
FIFTY! Whoa. I love reading, but I do so while on my daily transit ride. Dunno if I could get through 50 books on my commute! (But I could try...)
[Added your blog to my favs list - thanks for adding me!]
while on the subject of books...
i thought i would share that it is because you put "the kingdom of god is a party" on your profile as one of your favorite books that i found you. you and i are the only two in the entire blogger world who have that book on our list.
from that single, seemingly random and insignifigant choice, several wonderful ties and relationships that span many states and even countries have been spawned.
god's pretty friggin' awesome, isn't he?
(btw- HUGE keith green fan. he was instrumental in my conversion)
awwww - Tony Campolo would be so proud that we are all happy blogger friends now because of that book. I think I will reread it as part of the 50. Have you read "No Compromise" - the life story of Keith Green? I bought it on a bargain rack when I was in high school and that is how I found his music. God is amazing!
why yes. as a matter of fact, i read it once a year for the first three years of my life with christ.
i had been a disciple for only about 6 months and i had a dream that i bumped into keith green. i started following him around so that i could learn how it was that he shared the gospel so freely with people. very real and vivid.
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