Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sweet Anticipation - 30 Days of Surprise Me God and Acts

A big thanks to Jon at He posted about a new book called "Surprise Me - A 30 Day Faith Experiment". It's an experiment where you wake up and pray "Surprise Me God" for 30 days. SCARED, NERVOUS, EXCITED! Jon had earlier invited his readers to join him in a study of the book of Acts during the month of February. I don't know what is going to happen as a result of either one of these things. But, from what I know of God - He is going to show up. I can't wait!


Heather Mae said...

have you been to campus since they built the new part a few years ago? i've not been to the old half library basement, but the new half is great. it has the moving bookshelves!

NFB in NYC said...

Yes, cant wait for this book to arrive. It will be a good ole time. And Cheryl, I understand that Acts has 28 Chapters, but how does that correlate with February? I am confused...

Cheryl said...

heather - no i went to EIU during the olden days - i paid for the new half with my tuition. see if you can find the sign that belongs out front that says Cheryl Allison Library.
Nathan - sweet wonderment at your smart alecness

Cheryl said...

those were the good old days

Anonymous said...

nfb - during leap years, february has 29 days. since leap year is still two years away, and we know cheryl is about to pop waiting for this thing, we decided to use this regular old one with 28 days. we'll just have to skip day 29 and the gospel of thomas.

Cheryl said...

lol - thanks for explaining the correlation of acts and the 28 days of february to Nathan (NFB). He needs a little help sometimes.

NFB in NYC said...

shaddup beans.