Monday, February 06, 2006


OK - I haven't been posting my Surprise Me God surprises here, so if you want to read them you have to follow the link on the right to Jon's Blog. But, I am going to post here a few of the things I think have been surprises that maybe aren't the normal things you think of as surprises from God. I however - I choose to believe that just as my earthly father sometimes gives me things I want and not always just provides that things I need, so does my Heavenly Father. It's kind of like when I take my nieces to Barnes and Noble and I want to buy them quality children's literature and they want "Walter the Farting Dog". Sometimes, you just have to buy "Walter the Farting Dog". Anyway, here it goes:

1.) I have a favorite billboard. (Doesn't everyone?) About a year ago, it was taken down. IT HAS BEEN PUT BACK UP!!!! I just saw it on Friday. I can't quote it exactly, but it says something like "Tall Outdoor Type Seeks Relationship". I know, I know - but it always makes me happy!
2.) I got two scrapbooking magazines in the mail today - not one - TWO!
3.) I got an extra half hour of free time at work today!

Now, I know these are ridiculous things, but in the light of some trying weeks, these have been bright spots. So work with me here.


NFB in NYC said...
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Jules said...


Herschel said...

cheryl we've missed you on exfoliations

Herschel said...

and whydo you like that billboard so much?

Cheryl said...

herschel - i am back, i was out of town all weekend so i havent had time to post, but i will catch up this evening. i don't know why i love that sign so much but i do - i think it is funny

Anonymous said...

damn. that sounds good. and looks surprisingly easy. thank you. i think i'll surprise my wife and bake one for her.

Cheryl said...

Thank you! A great surprise! Jon, I highly recommend this - it is awesome!

Cheryl said...

in the words of one of my preschool sunday school kids - "whatever knucklehead"

Herschel said...

oh cheryl, where art thee?

Anonymous said...

yeah, what hersch said.