Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Return To Blogging

Time. There is never enough time for the things we love. I love to write and I love to read things others write. The end of a school year this past spring took me away from blogging. It is a busy time and it was a busy summer and really now is not any less hectic. However, here it is - a return - a return to tell you about Derek Webb. Do you know him? If you don't, get ready. I loved this CD. And Derek Webb being Derek Webb is offering it as a free download. Go get it quickly. He has so much to say. Savor it. Study it. Look, listen and hear. You won't regret it. It's free.


Jules said...

welcome back, soul sista

Geoff said...

Hey Cheryl! I'm glad you liked the CD so much. I have only listened to it a couple times, but I was kind of disappointed w/it... of course I was the same with the last 32 Jars of Clay CD's and I love them.

Anyway, I have a blog now so you should check it out... and tell people about it... and take out newspaper advertisements and send letters and do mailings so people will read it. :) Really, it's not for everybody, but that's ok. Have a great week.

Herschel said...

so i was looking over this site and found myself blown away by the sheer genius of your names for friends blogs. my personal favorite? if i must pick only one, it would be "cathy's challenging comments blog"


NFB in NYC said...

Should we expect an update before the turn of the new year? Perhaps during Christmas?..the ONE thing those blasted ABC execs cant take away from us!!??!?!

Paul said...

Welcome back!

NFB in NYC said...

You will not be recieving traning in the art of ipod usage unless you blog...PRONTO!