Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have always liked Tracy Chapman's work.  I recently ran onto a song by her that I didn't know and it has been speaking volumes to me.  Watch the video by clicking on the title of this post or read the lyrics here.  Good stuff.

1 comment:

SDS said...


Sorry to gatecrash your blog, but I noticed you were a fan of Jorge Garcia's (Lost's "Hurley") blog!!

If you are a Lost fan, you may be interested in a competition I am running where I am giving away a free t-shirt!

To enter, simply email and answer this Lost related question:

- Describe how you would have Lost Season 6 end: who will survive, who will die, and what will happen in the last scene?

More details are available at , but it really is THAT simple.

I hope this was of interest to you :)

- Chris