Thursday, October 13, 2005

We Have Entered Narnia

I just have to say again that I love my class - I adore them - they are awesome. I am so blessed to have a job I love waking up to. We started reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on Tuesday. They are hanging on every word. I was not at work today because I had to go to a conference. I am enjoying reading it to them so much, that I wouldn't leave the book for the substitute. One day of Curious George won't kill them. Tomorrow it is back to Narnia. Lucy has already been and they know the next chapter is called Edmond and the Wardrobe. It is an exciting life I live. I read the book with my first class and here it is 10 years later and I am still reading it. Timeless stories. I wish there were more writers like CS Lewis.

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