Sunday, October 16, 2005

What Harry Potter Might Have Done for Us

I was asked by someone today what I thought about the new CS Lewis movie that was coming out. This person had been told by a Christian at work that CS Lewis had written a book about magic and witchcraft and she was apalled that all of the Christian bookstores was carrying the merchandise promoting it! The person I was talking to didn't know much about the books or the movie that was coming out, but was pretty sure that CS Lewis wasn't putting out questionable stuff and had tried to convince the other lady of this. Perhaps I got a bit fired up about this. I mean - this person was thinking of going so far as calling the Vineyard and demanding that they remove all of the merchandise for "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". Gee whiz kids - we Christians sure can be stupid. How about we fight ourselves. How about we start some crusades and see if we can get our churches to boycott the film. Wouldn't that be brilliant. Oh and definetly we should try and prevent any non-Christian from seeing this film. Why don't we just pass out tickets for Hell while we are at it. OK - did I mention I was a bit fired up about this. I will go so far as to say that I am thankful for Harry Potter. If JK Rowling was here I would give her a hug. She has gotten kids so excited about the "fantasy" genre with her writing that I honestly believe she might have opened some doors for the Chronicles of Narnia to finally be made into decent productions (movies have been made based on them before but they are a bit lacking). I believe the Lord allows things sometimes - things that might not even be of Him - so that He can turn and use them for the good. I have read the first book of Harry Potter. Magic can be found in many things - Cinderella, Scooby Doo, even the Archie comics. I didn't find so much to question with the Harry Potter book that I read. But, I haven't read them all so I can't comment beyond that - anyway this post wasn't really about all of that anyway. I will remember for the rest of my life the first time I read "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" with a class. I cannot present the Gospel. The law prohibits that. But, an eight year old kid did the most amazing thing. He raised his hand on the day we finished the book. When I called on him he said - "You know what my mom says this book is really about? and as I held my breath he went on "She says it is really about how Jesus Christ came and died for our sins so that we can go to heaven because just like Edmund we are sinful. But, just like Aslan, Jesus died to take away that sin." I wanted to hug him. I wanted to elaborate on his message - but really what more needed to be said? And again, the law doesn't really allow me to say much. But nothing held that kid back. And I am thankful for it - thankful for his mom who knew what value there could be in the Chronicles - a mom who cared so much that she told her son the Message behind the wardrobe. Most of the time when I read the book - kids hear it and it is just another story - kind of like how a lot of the world views the real message. But then there are those days............. Please if you hear people who are ignorant - correct them. Don't let them mess up something that I am hoping is going to be an awesome thing.


Herschel said...

cheryl when is ee you next time remind to give you five dollars for kicking butt

Cheryl said...


Matt W said...

My expectations are so high for this...


Yeah, I owe you 5 dollars too.

Matt W said...

And I need to call you.

(217) 317-9290

Cheryl said...

$10 - wow this is awesome! I am getting paid to post - if I had known this I would have been a posting maniac!

Anonymous said...

i think that the harry potter books are absolutely wonderful. jk rowling has obviously been gifted by god and is using that gift to the best of her abilities. i'm not sure why, but anytime people, and especially children, show an interest in something on a grand scale, it is evil or of the devil.
has anyone who complains abuot books with "magic" ever read their bibles? seriously. the first time i read the book of judges, i was floored. there is no flannelgraph for the raping and subsequent dissecting of the concubine.
I am firmly convinced that if several parts of judges or even genesis were made into modern day retellings and it wasn't explicitly explained that these were bioblical retellings, Focus on the Family would picket and boycott so fast it would make your head spin.

Cheryl said...

thanks for the comment jon - i enjoy reading your blog - please wish your son a happy hockey season for me - go blues!!!

Anonymous said...

we all know the best thing the blues ever had going for them was brett hull who was, of course, an alum from the university of minnesota duluth.

Herschel said...

i think its time for an update....

NFB in NYC said...

rigor mortis has officially set in.