Thursday, October 13, 2005

Live Like You'll Die Tomorrow, Die Knowing You'll Live Forever

Ahh the words of another great writer. Rich Mullins. Everyone around seems to be talking about all of the events that are going on in the world. Suddenly it's as if the world's theme song is "It's the End of the World as We Know It". And it very well may be. Only God knows. Funny how we think of God in the catasrophes but did we think of him when the plans of terrorists were thwarted last week? Did anyone in the news say - wow how great is our God that He would prevent that. Thanks be to Him. I realize that the Bible speaks of signs. People have been seeing them for years. If you read newspaper articles from years ago, people were saying it was the end and they had all kinds of proof. I remember about 10 years ago a friend of mine gave me a book saying that the Persion Gulf War was the beginning of the 7 years. People love to get rich and God does sell a lot of books. I am sure there are many being written now. Tsunami, Hurricanes, Wars......the stuff that sells. And again - it really could be the end. But aren't we supposed to be living like it's the end anyway? Are any of us promised tomorrow? Are all of these "signs" inspiring me to live with more passion for my God? Am I loving my neighbors more? I should be. I should be with or without those things. I guess I am just bugged a bit because I have been hearing a lot of people talking about all of this but I haven't heard any hope in it. The end of the world isn't the end. It's the beginning - isn't that what we should be focused on? Isn't that what we should be sharing with a dying world?


Jules said...

good stuff soul sista'

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of a lyric by a man named grover levy. "there must be some demarcation as we endure this curse. every single generation says it cannot get much worse."

Cheryl said...

i loved grover levy - what happened to that guy!

Anonymous said...

unfortunately i do not know. i do wish he would come back and drop something as wonderful as "wrestling angels" on us again, though.