Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Top Ten Exciting Things In My Life Right Now

I am so stinkin busy right now that I barely have time to breath. However, that is about to change. I am sort of getting caught up. I hope I can stay that way. I am really quite tired. I have been making myself take some time for myself though. Otherwise I am not a very nice person to live with. Here are the exciting things in my life right now:

1. No matter how busy I am, God is still showing me and reminding me of His goodness and blessings in my life.

2. I am getting to go to my dream teaching conference. This is such a big deal for me. I really wish you could understand. HUGE.

3. LOST is back on. I love a show with great writing.

4. We believe that we are going camping this weekend. It has been a goal for two years and gosh do I really really really need some time away! Pray that this happens! No matter how silly it seems to you - pray that it happens anyway. Thanks!

5. I have the most amazing class ever! They have been such an incredible blessing to me. We are having a great time! I hope they are enjoying it too.

6. I finished my side of the paper work for the FAIR! I know I know - it's October, but I just couldn't fit it in! But, it's done now.

7. I have had a couple of really good nights of sleep. For those of you who know my issues with sleep, you know how exciting this is!

8. I got to do two things I had wanted to do for awhile on Sunday. They were little things, but they were still things I had wanted to do.

9. That you my friends missed my posting. That is kindness. Even though I haven't been posting, I have still been reading yours. I will try to be better.

10. The family went to Shreve's Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. I love that place. Those Shreve's know how to make Fall the best season. If you have not had one of their carmel apples, I beg you RUN as if your life depends on it. I don't know what those apples are dipped in - I don't want to know - but it is amazing. YES, you will be a sticky mess. They are worth it! Don't walk, don't crawl, don't skip, gallop or crab walk. RUN!


Jules said...

boo-yeah! Carmel apples from Shreve's Pumpkin Patch! I can't believe we made it on your top 10, Cheryl!! That's so rockin' I won't tell you what those apples are dipped in, mainly 'cause I don't get told the recipes. I don't know the recipe for the carmel corn or the carmel for the apples 'cause I don't make them. Maybe one day I'll be let in on the family secret...lol

Herschel said...

welcome back kotter

Bethany at Bethel said...

i'll have to look into one of those carmel apples.

Cheryl said...

it is too cold to go camping and my heart is sad

Unknown said...

shreve's pumpkin patch not only has great caramel apples - it is totally great FUN!!! do yourself and your kids a favor and don't buy a last minute pumkin at the grocery stores or Walmart - make it a great fun, family affair! Life's too short NOT to go there!!!